Our Back 40 Team (from left to right) - Kaitlin Oki (SCHA), Siobhan Rubsam, Liv Hogan, Mario Rodriguez
Our Back 40 Team (from left to right) - Kaitlin Oki (SCHA), Siobhan Rubsam, Liv Hogan, Mario Rodriguez

TGIF North Entry/Back 40 Project – Meet the Student Team!

In December 2021, the SLLC, in collaboration with the Solar Community Housing Organization (SCHA) and The UC Davis Green Initiative Fund (TGIF), hired a team of three student coordinators to develop and sustainably maintain a North Entry to the SLLC. The project site is located in an area known as “the Back 40,” West of the Domes along Blue Ridge Road. The team consists of three coordinators, each with a different area of specialization. Our student coordinators are:

  1. Olivia Hogan: Liv is a fourth-year student in Sustainable Environmental Design, and is the team’s Stewardship Plan Coordinator. She focuses her work on collecting and incorporating SLLC stakeholder input into a long-term stewardship plan for the SLLC Back 40 land. Over the past quarter, Liv has been working hard and collaborating with SLLC stakeholders to outline the stewardship plan.
  2. Mario Rodriguez: Mario is a fourth-year student in both Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology and Design, and is our Landscape Management Coordinator. He is working on bringing SLLC stakeholders and community volunteers together to develop the space. Mario has been assessing the Back 40 land and planning upcoming work parties to help prepare the space for use. The first work party of the Spring Quarter will be on Saturday, April 9, from 9am-1pm.
  3. Siobhan Rubsam: Siobhan is a first-year graduate student in International Agricultural Development, and is our Hedgerow Planting Coordinator. She is leading the collaborative design, planning, and planting of native plant hedgerows along the borders of the SLLC North Entry land. Siobhan has been researching native plants to include in the hedgerows, and has outlined a preliminary design to give to stakeholders for feedback.

We are very excited to see this team and this project progress over this quarter! To follow their progress, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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